
Where does all the pressure come from?

  The undersides of sausage and cheese packaging serve as a template for the stamp prints from Kletzsch. The printing process reveals the flip side of the throwaway society and the different levels of packaging. The patterns come together on paper and textiles to form tragically comical compositions. Bärchenwurst juggles with four colored balls. But Where does all the pressure come from?


Wir freuen uns, Euch auch in diesem Jahr zum Weihnachtsmarkt der Bildenden Kunst 2024 ins Kunsthaus Dresden am alten Standort in der Rähnitzgasse einzuladen! 12. – 15. Dezember 2024 Donnerstag bis Freitag 16 – 21 Uhr Samstag 10 – 18 Uhr & Sonntag 10 – 16 Uhr Zum festlichen Weihnachtseinkauf mit Glühwein und anderen heißen WEIHNACHTSMARKT DER BILDENDEN KUNST

Kreative Werkstatt Dresden

Weihnachtsverkaufsausstellung sächsischer Künstlerinnen und Kunsthandwerkerinnen bis 22.12.2024 in der Werkgalerie Öffnungszeiten: di-do 10-16 Uhr, fr 14-18 Uhr, so 14.30-16.30 Uhr Kreative Werkstatt Dresden e.V. Galvanohof | Bürgerstraße 50 01127 Dresden

Offline Shop

Offline Shop – Buy or DIY 12.11.2024–04.01.2025 Hauptstrasse 42–44 01097 Dresden www.offlineshop-dresden.de https://www.instagram.com/offlineshopdresden/

Slow Fashion Festival

Grand opening: Friday 17-22 with speech, performance, buffet, Bar from 8 p.m. DJ set with DJ voolloov Opening hours exhibition and store: 12.10. – 25.10.2024 Thursday/ Friday/ Sunday: 15 – 18 o’clock Saturday: 11-19 o’clock Wilsdruffer Straße 16, Dresden Dresden’s Slow Fashion Festival challenges the mainstream – sustainable fashion art meets consumer criticism in the Slow Fashion Festival

WerkSchau – Industrial Museum Chemnitz

From March 30 to May 29, 2023, creative people from Saxony will be exhibiting their works from design, handicrafts, fashion and other creative industries as part of a special exhibition at the Chemnitz Industrial Museum. Events surrounding the “WerkSchau – Made in Saxony” show the versatility of Saxony’s creative scene.

Swim until our lanes cross

Swim until our paths cross, negotiates the emergence of patterns through movement using the example of swimming. While swimming, thoughts play with the black marks on the bottom of the pool until they form and colorfully leave the water. A graphic score is created which in turn serves as a template for sound and movement Swim until our lanes cross


Foto: Christian Lorenz with us! Together with 16 other exhibitors we are at this year’s Designblok in Prague as a Saxon joint stand. 6. – 10. 10. 2021

Kulturschaufenster ->Mixed Mode Markt + Mixed Mode Markt Radio

Fotos: Dorothee Kletzsch Kulturschaufenster is an exhibition of local creators from 26.8. – 21.10.2021 at Centrumsgalerie Dresden. A project by Wir gestalten Dresden. Mixed Modehaus Markt Radio a Performance from Konrad Behr and Bettina Kletzsch

Children’s Biennale – Embracing Nature

Matching my collection “PLAY – ein Wende Nachspiel” in the SHOP at “Children’s Biennale – Embracing Nature”. Exhibition Site  Japanisches Palais Dates  18.09.2021—27.02.2022 Opening hours Dienstag bis Freitag 13—18 Uhr Samstag bis Sonntag 10—18 Uhr  (in den Ferien Dienstag bis Sonntag 10—18 Uhr)  

Werkschau 2021 Chemnitz

Modehaus Kletzsch is part of the Werkschau 2021 in Chemnitz /Europäische Kulturhauptstadt 2025! 27. März – 2.Mai 2021

Crossing Borders – Kupferstich-Kabinett Dresden

Coat design for the visual artist Jacqueline Merz Spiegelachse ICH, 1996-99 / 2020 A work by Jacqueline Merz in the exhibition: Crossing Borders – Collecting fpr the Future Duration: 14.11.2020-26.04.2021 Bettina Kletzsch: Coat design and sewing, Material: photo wallpaper Carsten Wittig: graphic Video, 1995, camera: Bettina Grossenbacher Soundtrack from the diaries, 2020, recording management: Manos Crossing Borders – Kupferstich-Kabinett Dresden

Exhibition & Material Performance: Modehaus Bettina Kletzsch

9.- 10.11.2019 We pour out greatness and take a bath in its mass,ride around on it and rest in it.Sort power by colour, shape and length and put it between us.With colourful and golden riders we throw around us, pile them up and let them perform tricks. Konglomerat e.V. meets Modehaus Bettina Kletzsch

Exhibition: Deutsches Hygiene-Museum Dresden

5 December 2015 – 3 July 2016 “Fast Fashion. Die Schattenseiten der Mode.” An exhibition of the Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe Hamburg visits the Deutsches Hygiene- Museum.